Friendly Dates Released
We’re pleased to announce the first of our friendly games taking place in July. 
More details to follow.


Chairman's Announcement
Further to our earlier announcement, returning Chairman Dave Haddock had this to say:
‘It’s fair to say that the last few years have been turbulent here at the club with a number of highs but also a number of lows. Our supporters, sponsors, volunteers, and the community in general will undoubtedly be frustrated and somewhat concerned for the club and its future.
For seven years I worked tirelessly with some fantastic volunteers some of whom are still here at the club, and together we built the club up to a level in which we achieved record crowds weekly, and received significant support from all of the community which also gave us the opportunity to give back, whether that was through our charity work with our local food bank, supporting mental health support group Talk Tonight, or through the development of our youth teams, Selby Town FC was truly becoming the community club that I believe it should be. That however didn’t quite last, the club has faced numerous challenges along the way, both in my time here at the club and after, with many of the challenges due to poor judgement and ill informed decisions. The club needs to do better. We owe you that.
Last night I was pleased to be voted Chairman amongst a new and strong committee. Fourteen enthusiastic and talented people sat around me, and together we took the first steps towards a brighter future. Together, we will ensure the club won’t just survive, but that it will thrive and finally achieve the level of success that everyone desires and the town deserves. 
For those of you that are concerned or that have doubts, please judge us on our actions going forward, I promise you we’ve lots of exciting things to come. 
As during my previous stint as chairman, if anyone has any questions, ideas or concerns please do get in touch. Our supporters should always be at the forefront of every decision we make, so I’m always here to listen to your thoughts.
On behalf of the committee, we appreciate your support and hope that you continue to join us as we rebuild the club and push for the level of success we’re sure we can achieve.’
Dave Haddock


Club Statement Regarding New Committee

The club would like to announce the resignation of Chairman Steve McGarrity with immediate effect, we wish him well with future endeavours and thank him for his time at the helm.
We would also like to thank Tommy Arkley for his great service to the club, and wish him all the best in his retirement. We are grateful for his many years of dedication and unwavering support. A true club legend.
Last night the committee met to discuss the direction that the club should take in order to face the challenges ahead. A vote was held and the club officials were determined as follows:
Chairman - Dave Haddock
Vice Chairman - Glen Dennis
Club Secretary - Garry Mollon
Joint Treasurers - Iain Reid, Wayne Miller, Glen Dennis
A statement from our new chairman will follow.
